Monday, March 10, 2014

Welcome to the Class of 2015's Oral Prep Blog!!

Greetings Bears!
Have you noticed lately that the professors are beginning to saturate their speak with that scary 'Orals' word?  So have we.  Enter the Orals Review Prep Blog!  The benefit to collaboration is it brings with it different perspectives.  This is a place that will regularly pose a question (one that has come up in class, one from a former exam, one from the review guide on the G drive, one from a text book objective, or one from someone's creative mind) and allow anyone who would like to contribute an answer to do so.  We all already have a lot to read this semester, so answers need not adhere to proper APA paragraph / sentence structure. Recommend answers take the form of key bullet points and some sort of backing (ex: bullet phrase(s)/ statement(s); the class that covered your response; and competencies that the answer touches on).

This blog will also be used to pass on tidbits of prep info as passed on by instructors in different classes.

We know several study groups will pop up in the coming weeks, if your group comes across a question / thought provoking discussion that (as we learned in ethics) is utilitarian in nature, please feel free to share it on here, so all can benefit.

Let's do this!!  Sic'em!

Disclaimer:  This blog is not intended as a stand alone study guide, and is student driven. It is meant to serve as an augmentation study tool.  As of now, there is no true means (time, personnel) to validate all responses that are posted.