Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Return of Tuesday Tidbits...

  • Watch your acronym usage, you say it, be able to define it
  • Incorporate sustainment into any proposed courses of action
  • When confronted with a statistics question:
    • Build from the bottom up
      • What type of data do you have (quantitative or qualitative)
      • What classification is the data (nominal, ordinal, ratio, interval)
      • What is the central tendency
      • What does the distribution look like
      • Is there variance
      • What did you expect to see?
      • Move onto the 5 Step Hypothesis Testing
  • Understand the difference between reliability and validity
  • Synthesize and Integrate multiple course information into your answers
  • The expectation is to teach the board what you have learned, can you offer a logical direction?
  • Answer as an administrator, not as a clinician
  • Incorporate some of what our guest speakers have shared
  • Join a study group!!

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